Sunday, September 16, 2007

Two new jobs in one week..... the Alberta dream continues!

This week has been quite hectic for me... I have recentally gotten 2 jobs in the same week.

I am now working in a small rural service on 24 hr shifts, but the manager is pretty decent with giving me 3 or 4 days in a row since its quite the commute up to the service area. It great up here, BLS service, protocols that allow me to practice to the very exstent of my scope of practice, and an atmosphere that promotes learning and team work. Low call volumes so there is lots of time to spend out in town, eating, sleeping, whatever you want to do on your call time... oh, and a 5 min shoot time... just because not everyone who works at the ambulance stays at the base 24-7.

On thursday, I was given a job offer for a full time job with the large center that I live in. ALS service, i get to drive lots i suppose, triaing starts in a few weeks, but there is a high call volume and if I am with a partner that actally trusts my skills I just might have a chance to do some cool stuff. Its a union job so I know that I am protected, and that a part of my paycheque will go towards the honour.

I think I'll take both jobs... plus still work in the ski hills as a ski patroller and teach part time.. what the heck... might as well stay busy and try to beat the tax-man at his own game...

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